Each of these sauces work really well on their own but the winning combination is when you mix together all three and Spark your dish!
- Crack Sauce (210g) Spicy, Creamy, Sweet, Nutty, Salty, Tangy. This sauce is a Palate Awakener | Vegan , No Nasties & Preservatives
- Caramelized Spring Onion (195g) Slow-cooked Spring Onions with notes of Ginger & Sesame. A Spark can elevate any dish | Vegan , Gluten-Free , No Nasties & Preservatives
- Crispy Chili Oil (200g) 7 different spices, 5 types of chilies, 3 varieties of crunchies. This is the definition of madness | Vegan , No Nasties & Preservatives.